To keep Freshspot Hosting Zimbabwe servers fast, safe and secure, and prices low, we enforce a very strict Acceptable Use Policy. Please note that the Acceptable Use Policy is an addition to the Terms Of Service, and may contain things which are already in the Terms Of Service.
We do not allow any of the following. Any account(s) found involved in any of those will be removed and canceled without notice. Spamming (sending unsolicited email or posting messages to irrelevant UsetNet newsgroups that do not explicitly allow advertising, with references to a site hosted on our servers) Sites encouraging illegal activity or racism, sites providing instructions or performing illegal activities. Any site conducting illegal activities and / or copyright infringements. Violations and attempted violations of system & network security. Or any type of tampering with the system with the purpose to inflict harm. Peer to Peer / Portal and other file sharing sites related to hacking and warez.
Specific Violations of This AUP (not an exclusive list):
Booter Scripts
Use of booter scripts.
Child Porn Site
Hosting, distributing, or linking from a site to pornography involving a person under legal age. ( See Title 18 USC Chapter 110 SEXUAL EXPLOITATION AND OTHER ABUSE OF CHILDREN § 2256 Definitions and § 2257 Record keeping requirements )
Hosting, distributing, or linking to copyright infringed materials. ( See )
Brute force access of secured network devices.
Denial of service attack of network devices.
Hosting or linking to a site prohibited by Embargo.
File Management Scripts
Hosting file or image sharing/leeching scripts.
Faking an IP address, hostname, e-mail address, or header.
Fraud Site
Hosting or linking to a website intended to deceive the public.
Gambling/Poker Sites
Hosting or linking of gambling or online poker sites.
Hate Sites
Hosting or linking to any hate sites. This includes: racism, atheism etc.
Circumventing security systems of network devices.
HYIP & PTC Sites
Hosting or linking to a website of high yield investment program, Ponzi Scheme, Pyramid Scheme or paid to click program.
ID Theft
Hosting, distributing, or linking to stolen account identification information.
Hosting, distributing, or linking to exploits, trojans, viruses, or worms.
Invalid Domain/Sub-Domain Name
A vain, obscene, or malicious host name or domain name.
IRC Malicious
Malicious use of Internet Relay Chat.
Open Relay
Hosting an open relay of any type.
Hosting, distributing, or linking to pharmaceutical/drug sites.
Identity theft by email under false pretense.
Any proxies which do not require authentication, including open mail proxies, unprotected anonymous web surfing proxies, etc. are not allowed.
Proxy Hijack
Use of a third party proxy vulnerability or trojan.
ROKSO blacklisting at of an IP. ( See )
Probing for vulnerabilities of network devices.
Hosting accounts primarily for shell access.
SORBS blacklisting at of an IP.
Spam Cannon
Sending High Volume Spam (UBE).
Spam Email
Unsolicited Bulk Email (UBE).
Spam List
Hosting, distributing, or linking to email address lists for spam.
Spam Site
Hosting a site advertised by spam email or spam web.
Spam Ware
Hosting, distributing, or linking to software designed for spamming.
Spam Web
Unsolicited, bulk, or forged site advertisement in web logs, forums, or guest books.
Spamhaus Blacklisting at of an IP.
SQL Injection
Use of SQL injector scripts.
Terrorist Site
Hosting or linking to a site advocating or involved in terrorism. ( See )
Hosting, distributing, or linking to trade mark infringed materials.
Upstream AUP
Violation of AUP of the upstream provider of Freshspot Hosting Zimbabwe.
Web Spider
Use of a web spider, crawler, or bot for unauthorized connection to 3rd party web servers.
Resource Usage
Users may not initiate the following: a) Use 10% or more of system resources for longer then 90 seconds. There are numerous activities that could cause such problems; these include: CGI scripts, FTP, PHP, HTTP, etc. b) Run any type of interactive real-time chat applications that require server resources. Remotely-hosted services are fully allowed. c) Run stand-alone, unattended server-side processes at any point in time on the server. This includes any and all daemons, such as IRCD. d) Run any software that interfaces with an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) network. e) Run any gaming servers such as counter-strike, half-life, battlefield1492, etc
Shared Hosting Users
You must not attempt to resell your web space on shared account. You are permitted to “share” it with a friend, but running a public/private hosting business on it is strictly prohibited, any shared sites found to be doing this, will be suspended, or forced to purchase a reseller account if they want to continue.
Reseller Hosting Users
Resellers of Freshspot Hosting Zimbabwe are responsible for the files their clients host. If the resellers do not properly take precautions, and actions against clients violating these Terms of Service, their accounts may have to be suspended, due to their negligence. Freshspot Hosting Zimbabwe, and its server owners will not be held responsible for what resellers clients host under their accounts. Resellers must not offer free hosting. This is to prevent our server from abusive works. Because it is believed that most of the free hosting users get hosting for free to do illegal works such as spamming, phishing etc.
Domains/Accounts Restriction on Unlimited Packages
Shared (Plans) hosting users should not host more than stipulated domains in their account. Reseller (Plans) hosting users should not host or create hosting accounts more than the stipulated accounts.
How much disk space and bandwidth will my plan include?
There are set limits on the disk space or data transfer (bandwidth) that we provide in our hosting plans. We want you to have the resources you need to build a great online presence, and 99.95% of all customers will have more than enough disk space and bandwidth to meet their needs. That being said, we do require all customers to be fully compliant with our TOS and AUP and utilize disk space and bandwidth in the normal operation of a personal or small business website. While it is rare, we may need to put constraints on accounts that are using resources beyond what would be expected in the normal operation of a personal or small business website. Typically, customers only run into issues if they use their accounts for storage or file sharing, which is not what our services are intended to support. In accordance with our TOS/AUP, the disk space and bandwidth you use must be integrated into the normal operation of your website.
How do you determine “normal” operation?
We regularly run customer bandwidth and disk space utilization through a series of statistical analyses and use the results of these studies to define normal. Although the actual results of these analyses vary from month to month, one thing remains constant: 99.95% of our customers fall into “normal” range. Typically, customers who fall outside the normal range are using their accounts for file storage or sharing rather than hosting.
If you have a question about whether your website will fall into the normal range, feel free to contact our team. We’ll be happy to talk about your specific needs before you purchase your hosting plan.
What happens if I exceed “normal” usage?
If we have concerns about your account’s bandwidth or disk space utilization, you will receive an email asking you to reduce usage. Generally, we provide customers with a minimum of 48 hours to make adjustments before taking the account offline. Again, the most common situations involve customers who use their accounts for storage of files—particularly multimedia files—that are not linked off of their websites. It is very rare for a customer who is managing a personal or small business website to exceed normal usage.
Freshspot Hosting Zimbabwe will immediately suspend or may terminate an account which:
Found to be violating our TOS or AUP. Contains invalid or fraudulent details. Initiates chargeback/dispute against any payment. Obscene, abusive, defamatory or threatening speech or remarks in relation to our company or staffs